1)Easy to code-:
As I said above this programming language is very easy to learn. For eg: if you want to display alert box containing 'Hello World', then here is the command: MsgBox(0,"Message","Hello World"). This is very simple "Message" is title of the alert any and "Hello World" is the message to display, 0 is type of MsgBox.2) Create your own license-:
Usually GUI based software developing software ask cash for building it in .exe(executable format) but it does not and also this software is absolutely free. And you can create your own software with your license there is no copyright holding or anything in our builded software. We have the right to do anything with our right.3) Can create task functioning programs-:
It is possible to use send keys in AutoIt, so one can use sendkeys to create useful programs or computer virus etc. We can create the tasks in show mode or hidden mode or normal mode or others. This is absolutely great, personally I created a virus named 'firewall disabler' with this language for attacking firewall with administration access. Warning: don't create harmful programs for troubling others, but you can do it for study.4) Contains additional tools-:
That is it contains a executable formatted software making tool to build the created autoit software to .exe software and to add icon to the software. Another tool is software details finder, we can use this tool to see details of any software and can create a programs to use other softwares.There are many additional features are in this software developing tool. This is a best software for those who want to develop their own PC software but not having Visual basic. Create your own softwares and enjoy coding. All the best.