Softwares can be developed with the help of many computer languages. Usually programmers choose java, but not only java but there are many computer languages and GUI softwares are there. Learning C or C++ will surely help anyone to begin a new life with programming or what we say coding. Let we can go for a close look on some of the cool computer languages which is used in both PC and mobile for creating softwares.
1) Java-: Java is an object oriented programming language. In windows having java sdk or jdk will help to create softwares. Programs are also developed with the help of java. Java coding is very easy to learn if the person has some basic knowledge in C programming. It is possible to create advanced and high level softwares with the help of Java. Java ME is a great platform for creating mobile apps for java mobiles.
2) Visual Basic-: Visual Basic is a GUI software developing tool released by windows. The main advantage of visual basic is one can create the design of the software easily with drag and drop way. Coding also very easy to learn if you have some logic mind. Visual basic is used to develop desktop softwares and it is also available for developing windows 8 and 7 mobiles. Microsoft is the one who behind the development of visual basic. It is also one of the smart pick of many of the developers.
3) Andriod-: Andriod is a mobile OS which is now holding a big hand in the mobile industries. Google is the owner of andriod OS. Andriod sdk, java sdk and eclipse are the required components necessary for creating andriod apps. Anyone who having the knowledge in java can easily learn andriod language and can develop apps. Andriod is only for mobiles because the OS is only available for mobiles but the apps is created with desktop. Google is offering a great platform for selling andriod softwares in Google Play. So one can make some good earnings with andriod softwares.
4) Illumination software creator-: It is a wonderful software for the non programmers to create software without using any code but only with logics. With the help of this software one can create many platform supported apps. Andriod, HTML 5,Python,iOS apps can be created with the help of this software. It is one of the best alternative for visual basic but it is easier to build software with illumination software. It is also possible to create multi platform softwares with the help of this software.
This were some of the best and coolest tools and language which help us to make softwares or build apps. There are many Mac or iOS software builders like appdesigners etc are there but here I just give the preference to windows tools more because mostly peoples were go with windows. Try this tools and enjoy the fun with coding. All the best.