Google is the world's famous and the most trusted search engine to most of the people on the meanwhile twitter is one of the greatest social networks which is different from others. Both these sites were very useful for the people. For searching and finding various things google help us a lot. Just like that for contacting a person or to share our thoughts twitter help us. The one common feature which plays a great role on these two websites were the trends. That is through google trends one can know that on which topic is currently hot in the search or wanted. And in twitter there is also the trends, that is the hot topics that the people like to discuss or to talk. Not in all cases, these two trends show the same results it depends upon the wants of the people in the search engine and in the twitter. But these two websites play a major role for the bloggers or the webmasters to find out which are the favourite topics of the people and from that they can create contents. Most of the writers prefer google trends than twitter trends because most of the people use the search engine to find information than using twitter. But of course one way or another way twitter trends also helped the writers to find out the hot topics. More than making influence among the writer usually twitter trends help twitter users itself for finding the trend topics that other people were focusing. With the help of trends, one can possible to make more twitter followers by tweeting on the famous twitter tag keywords and getting the attention from them. With this way, one will get more retweets and followers. In this way, twitter plays a big role among its users.
And through google trends, one can see the real hot of a topic. That is the reason most of the webmasters prefer google trend topics for writing articles and publishing it on their website. Through that, it is possible to generate huge traffic as well as will able to get more response from the audience. Some google trends may cross more than 50,000 searches within one day with this possibility one can make at least 1000 visitors a day. So both the search engine and this smart social networks were playing a major role on the internet in between the users, use it wisely for getting more traffic for a website and more followers for a twitter profile. All the best.