The most important part of blogging is the information on it mainly the blogger need to update it daily. And also sometimes we may in out of subjects to posts I have also faced many situations like that. But if a blog is focusing to promote latest world news then the benefits from it is plenty that is you can update your blog according to the latest information containing 1 or 2 paragraphs about the news headlines and also you will get good traffic as the blog containing latest information. Here are some tips to create a news blog.
* When you create a news blog you have to be careful about the title used in it for eg: 'News Zone', ' E-news' etc like the title will be the suitable for the news blogs. Providing a description in the blog will also help it to make an idea about the contents in it.
* Enable a dynamic view, it is good if you enable a dynamic template for your blog especially the one that looks like the newspaper style. The two benefits from the dynamic template are you will get more pageviews as it is showing multiple contents and also it helps your audience to see your blog as E-newspaper.
*Add the latest news- It is not easy to collect all information about a particular thing or not possible to create a big content about the information and also if the information is, in short, it will help your audience to easily read it and understand it so it is better if you add a particular news in 120 to 180 words that all enough if you want to add more information then you can add it.
* Add images- It is good if you add images in the news information because never a reader focus only on the information you can collect images from google itself which is not copyright protected. 1 or 2 images is enough for a post if the information is lengthy then only you have to add 2 images. If your news is not much important for adding image then leave it, only add the information.
* Keep in touch with news website- It is good if you have touch with news website to keep in track with the latest news it is not much time for creating news information. Firstly just read the news and write about the news in your own words in short and add it on your blog.
* Social sharing- You need to focus on making a Facebook page for your blog. Your blog will get more audience with the help of Facebook fan page. Your blogs fan will come to your site for reading news.
It is better if you enable comments as you can track the response from your audience or not it is also good because as a news blog there is more chance to get more comments so the view of the e-newspaper will get spoiled so careful about that also. This is the ways to create a news blog. All the best.