Most of the webmasters are aware about the ad network earning criterias and many factors which is essential for its placements. But many of them don't know the correct way of choosing an ad size for a page. Mostly most of the ad networks provide different size of banners for the ad placement, so it is never means that one can place any sized ads in a page. The neatness and correct placement of the ads will only help you to get paid through it without irritating the visitors. Usually the problem occurs for the CPC ads placements unlike other modes of ads the CPC requires many things for getting clicks. Here is some tips for the right placements of ads in a web page.
* Don't put numerous number of ads in one page it is better if you place 2 or 3 banners because this will help you to reduce the loading time as well as help the visitors to check the informations from the page without any disturbance. More ads in a page will be exactly shown like a spam site.
* Place the ads for its correct size. That is it is good if you place 250*320 ad size for to place in between the content or below or above of the content. Like that for the sidebars 120*600 is the best ad size to place. For the footer or for the header 450*120 is the best size.
* According to my view text ads are better that graphical banners because it will reduces the loading and as well as it will help you to get clicks easily by providing the description of the advertisement in the text box. Graphical ads are all best if you place it in the right place.
* If you provide title in the sidebar thats is ' Ads here' or ' Advertisements' etc will help the visitors to know that the ads are placed in the sidebars. Sometimes this will help you to click because many of the bloggers or the visitors have a hobby that to click the ads for helping the webmasters. So using this option will be good thing for the site.
* Use only the good ad network that is many visitors are have pop up banners so it is not a good option to place pop up ads in the website, now many pop up ad network started to place pop on click ads so that it will not disturb the visitors unless they didn't click anywhere. Use best ad networks for your site because it is not good option if you take false ads for your site to get paid only.
This are only some of the tips that will help you to place the correct ads in your site. Be careful about the placement of the ads. All the best.