Education has many values it is considered as the most valuable thing in the world which is equal to the time. In India, every year September 5th is celebrated as the teachers day for honouring all the teachers who are being part of the development of a child career. A teacher is the model of the student and also a teacher need to be a student always. India's 2nd president Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's birthday is celebrated as the teachers day in this year India is celebrating his 125th birthday with great respect to his teaching career. He was one of the most inspirational teacher who teached many valuable lessons to his disciples. He was an ideal man to his students. Only a good teacher can show the right path for the best career and best character. Education never means that just learning different subjects or topics but it has another meaning that is more than learning it help a child to develop his/her character in the right way. For good education and character the student need an ideal teacher. There was a famous words from a great philosopher saying that- If you see god and my teacher at the same time first I will respect teacher then to the god because my teacher is the one who showed god so first respect is for the teacher. A child is seeing his/her teacher more than that he/she saw their parents because most of the time in a day is spends with the teachers than with the parents. So the behaviour and the character of a student is developed from the path that shown by the teacher that is why it is saying that a teacher need to be an ideal to his students. Love is the greatest punishment that a teacher can give to his student because just a biting only hurts their body not the heart so love is the key for showing the right path to the student. A student need to respect his teacher in all sense, not only on the school but on the everywhere when he sees his teacher.
The relationship between a teacher and a student is more valuable than the relationship between the friend. A teacher needed to be the best friend of his student so that he can teach the student without irritating them. Just love the students that is the best tool that a teacher can do for teaching his disciple. Today in all over India is celebrating teachers day, with a great respect I also wishing all the teacher who are being ideal to his students - Happy teachers day. All the best.