Writing contents is found to be a good way to earn income though online. There are many genuine writing sites which promote articles and paying the authors. Here is some short review about some of it.
1) Indianstudychannel- One of the famous genuine writing site which pay upfront cash for the articles. This site is for Indians and average pay for an article is between 10 -100 Rs depending on the quality and informative of the past. Payments are through cheque with minimum payout amount 1000Rs. 90% adsense revenue sharing program is also there
2)Boddunan-: Another great genuine paying site with a great paying average of 10 Rs to 200 Rs depending upon the quality of the content. In boddunan a point system is placed 1000points=60Rs. Payments are through checks with minimum payout amount 1200Rs.
3)Exposeknowledge-: This genuine paying site is extremely good for beginners. The pay rates are in USD from 0.10$ to about 3$ depending on the quality of the contents. International members are allowed. Payments are transacted in two modes for Indians bank transfer with minimum payout amount 20$ and international members payza with minimum payout amount 10$. In exposeknowledge 1000points=3$.
4)Techulator-: Another genuine Indian paying site which is run under indianstudychannel. Its pay rates per content is between 10 to 100Rs depending on the quality of the post. This site accept technology informations only. Payments are though cheque with minimum payout amount 1000Rs. 90% adsense revenue sharing program is also running.
5) Expertscolumn-: This is not upfront paying site it pays the author according to the readers in which a content get. 1000 unique visitors is somewhat equal to in a rate between 0.75$ to 2$ depending on the geographic. Payments are through paypal(international members) and moneybookers(Indians) with minimum payout amount 5$.
This are only few of the paid to writing sites there are plenty of other sites are there. All this sites are trusted and paying. All the best.