Promoting a website is not an easy task for a common webmaster . The reason is it is very hard to create backlinks daily like a way of naturally build. The great problem from it is we need to find a list of good pageranked blogs or sites and on it need to find a good content to build backlinks along with atleast 15 word comment. Sounds like boring for a new blogger but it is very easy to create such backlinks. Following are some of the techniques which help the blogger to create some backlinks easily.
* Bubblews, goarticles, elance are some of the article publishing site just like the wikipedia. These sites has pageranks of 4/10 and more. So just write a content about your site and post it on these site. Bubblews accept articles of even 400 character. If it is possible try to write a content about social or science and post it on wikipedia. Wikipedia has a pagerank of 9/10.
* Find the natural blogs which ends with for creating backlinks. The reason is it is very easy to comment on blogs rather than sites. It is easy to find good pagerank sites the way is search in google like this a keyword this will show the high ranked sites in the top with the keyword content. Make a comment in that content.
* The technique to create .edu or .gov backlinks is same as the step that I mentioned in the above tip. Find the .edu content, mostly .edu and .gov sites have dofollow comment box which is very helpful for the bloggers to get backlinks but the great disadvantage of the dofollow confous is the url will not be shown on the search engine so for creating a backlink just provide the url in below of the content.
* Add the site in different directories like dmoz, yahoo, google etc will help you to get valuable backlinks. Adding the site in the technorati, alexa etc will also help the user to get a good backlinks from these high ranking sites., are two good sites to check the seo of a site so add the site in these seo checking sites will help you to track the seo stats as well us you will get a backlink also.
* Another great way of creating backlink is social sharing. Sharing posts in facebook, twitter, delicious etc will help you to get high ranked social backlink as well as one will get visitors also by the way of sharing posts. Through twitter sharing what I am getting is an average of more than 5 visits from the tweet. Ofcourse 5 is not a big number but I am sharing the post on twitter for creating tweets for my blog but by the way it give a small number of visitors.
I hope that this content will help you to create backlinks for your site easily. All the best.