Domain names are registered with a domain. It may be based on the geographical area or the organization category. The syntax of a domain registeration is 'domainname.organisationtype'or geography. The widely using domain category is .com which is the common representation of a website. Lets we can see some of the organisational category of domains.
* .com- Commercial Organisation
* .net- Network backbone systems and information system
* .org- Non profit organisation
* .edu- It is used to refer an educational institutions
* .gov - Depending on the geographical areas it is referred to as government agencies, in commonly it denotes US government agencies.
* .int- It represents International Organisations.
* .mil - US military Organisation
This are the organisational representation of a domain name. The following are the geographical representation of domains.
* .us- United States
* .in- India
* .au- Australia
* .cl- Chile
* .fr- France
* .jp- Japan
* .kr- Korea
* .ca- Canada
* .it- Italy
* .at- Austria
This are some of the domain registeration forms used to register a domain name. Some domains are registered with organisation type only while some others are registered with geographical area based. There are many domain name which is represented both geographical and organisation type. Before registering a domain the webmaster need to know the importance and representation of this domain tags. All the best.