Before buying a domain name, the webmaster need to llol on many parts. Depending on the hosting, brandwith etc domain names are registered at a cost. Some domain name registering site may ask some huge amount for buying domains and hosting plans. But not every domain registers are charging the same price it may vary. Here are some list of good and cheap domain registering sites.
1) Godaddy-: One of the famous domain registering site which offers webmasters to register domains at cheap cost. Cost of a domains are based on price plan which depends upon the hosting, space and many other factors. Nearly a domain cost is about 10$/year in godaddy which is very cheap when comparing to other domain registers. Payment modes for buying domain includes mastercard.
2) Gossimer-: Another great domain registering site which also offers domain at low cost. This domain registering site allow the members to create temporary registeration which cost only 1.50$/month. A domain name registering may cost about 9$/year and it also depends upon the hosting and brandwith of the site. Payment modes in gossimer includes paypal, payza, moneybookers etc.
3) Namecheap-: Another great domain registering site which offers domain names at cheap price. They offers domain names at about 11$/year which is something good at all. Supporting center, hosting services of this domain registerating site is also good for the webmasters. So that many of the experienced webmasters are suggesting this domain registrar.
4) Name-: One of the famous and trusted domain registering site. This is also in the list of the cheap domain registering service providers. In here a domain name will cost approximately about 8$/year. This registering site is an amazing place for the webmasters to host and buy domains.
This are some of the best domain registering site in which most of the webmasters are recommending and also they are providing the service at low which is affordable for new webmasters to register their new site at cheap cost. Some this are provide temporary domains also. It is important to note that before buying a domains name with its hosting plan, buy it in a way that your site needed. If you are planning to start a personal or small blogging then it is better to select a low hosting plan. So make things positively on the requirements of your site. All the best.