Google is known to be the leading search engine in the world, day by day millions of members are coming to google to find their interests and clearing their doubts. When we search a keyword in google it gives us thousands of results from different sources. By unknownly we use the same search keyword which others used it is not because the needs of surfers are sometimes same. In google searches if a keyword or a topic is found to be used by more internet users google call that keyword as trend keyword. That means most of the people are interested in knowing more about that particular topic. Trend keywords are very useful for the webmasters than the surfers because it help them to get more views with their contents, so that most of the bloggers or webmasters use this keywords to write contents and publishing it in their site. It is likely to be a trend keyword was surfed by more than 50,000 people a day. So preparing contents for that topic is very useful for the webmasters. And also paid to writing sites pays some good amounts to that contents because it makes more readers as well as new members to their site. Hot topics which mainly internet surfers are looking is the new breaking and hot news. So a news reporting site can able to get more visitors than a simple content publishing site however it is depend upon the seo score and the value of the site. The best thing is to get infront of the search results when a surfer search is to give more information about that particular content with the help of different sources without copy pasting.
Google itself provides a report that which are the keywords that are trendy to their users so for that goto in here one can find more details and informations about the daily successful keywords and content ideas. So Trend keyword has more importance in blogging. All the best.