Largest Planetary Natural Satellite In Solar System

Moon is the natural satellite of earth. Our solar system consist of 8 planets which having of several moons. Let we can check which are the largest moons which present in our solar system depending upon their diameter.
1) Ganymede-: Ganymede is a moon of the Jupiter which having diameter of 5,262.4km. It is firstly discovered by Galileo in 1610. This moon have a surface of ice about 97km thick.
2) Titan:- This moon is orbiting around Saturn, and it has a diameter of 5,150km. Titan has a dense atmosphere which containing ethane, nitrogen and other gases.
3) Callisto-: Another moon of planet Jupiter, it has a diameter of 4,820.6km. This moon is heavily pitted with craters than any other celestial body in the solar system.
4) Lo-: Lo is also a moon of Jupiter, which is having a diameter of of 3,642.6km. It has a crust of solid sulphur with massive volcanic eruptions.
5)Moon-: Moon is our natural satellite which having a diameter of 3,476.2km. This is the only natural satellite in which humans has explored.
6) Europa-: Another giant satellit of Jupiter, it has a diameter of 3,121.6km. It is covered by ice and it is apparently smooth and crater-free.
7)Triton-: Triton is a natural satellite of planet Neptune. It has a diameter of 2,706.8km. It is the only satellite which is noted as it is revolver around its planet in the opposite direction to the planets rotation.
8) Titania-: This natural satellite is revolving around planet Uranus. It has a snowball like surface of had. This satellite is discovered by William Herschel.

9) Rhea-: Rhea is the natural satellite of Saturn, it has a diameter of 1,528km. It is covered with ice surface is pitted with enormous craters.
10) Oberon- Another natural satellite of Uranus, it has a diameter of 1,522.8km. This satellite is also discovered by William Herschel who discovered Titania also.
These are the largest planetary natural satellite in our solar system. This satellite are revolving around their planets. All the best.